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Apple Fruit Leather Sales

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Apple Fruit Leather FeaturesPrice List of Apple Fruit Leather for Traders

 Apple Fruit Leather contains vitamins A and B and minerals (especially potassium and calcium), which due to its low calorie content, is a good snack and its consumption does not lead to obesity. The properties of this product should be known according to its original fruit. For example, Apple Fruit is suitable for treating diarrhea.

Apple Fruit Leather Sales

Apple Fruit Leather Features

Apple Fruit Leather Features  Apple Fruit Leather Features are:

Leather made from apples is one of the products that everyone is interested in, especially children. Due to the raw material of leather, which includes a variety of fruits, it has some benefits and is preferred to other snacks. By consuming all kinds of packaged leather that are produced with hygienic licenses, such as apple kiwi fruit leather, the concern of their contamination is also eliminated.

This leather contains pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. That is, it feeds the beneficial bacteria in the stomach. Your small intestine does not absorb fiber during digestion. Instead, it travels to the end of the large intestine, which can boost the growth of beneficial bacteria. It also becomes another useful ingredient that returns to your body. The fiber in Apple Fruit Leather feeds on good bacteria and may protect against obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Price List of Apple Fruit Leather for Traders

Price List of Apple Fruit Leather for Traders	 Price List of Apple Fruit Leather for Traders is convenient and affordable. This product sells well due to its great popularity among customers. When buying these dishes, traders should pay attention to the following points so that they can buy the best product.

  • Fruit Leather should be free of pests (such as mites and molds).
  • The thickness of the Fruit Leather sheet should not be less than one millimeter and not more than 5 millimeters, and it should be as uniform as possible.
  • Fruit Leather should be the natural color of the fruit used in its preparation or a little darker.
  • Fruit Leather should have the natural smell and taste of the fruit used in its preparation and should not have a foreign smell and taste such as sourness, burns or mold.
  • There should be no visible foreign matter (pieces of skin, kernels, seeds and tail of the fruit, leaves, soil and sand, straw, etc.) in the leather.
  • Apple leather packaging should be soft enough to protect the product from moisture, pests and spoilage.
  • Applications used for Apple Leather packaging must be healthy, new, dry and odorless.
  • Apple Fruit Leather slices should be packaged according to their weight in suitable and permitted containers in the food industry (such as cellophane, polyethylene for food).
Marzieh Mohtasham Zadehgan

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