pomegranate lavashak with seeds

Buy fresh pomegranate lavashak with seeds

The purchase of pomegranate lavashak in two types of quality, with pulp, that is, with and without seeds, can be seen in the list of all wholesalers, because this product is one of the best-selling and most popular lavashشks in the pickle market. Pomegranate lavashak is also produced in bulk and packaged, and each carton […]

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Selling Pomegranate lavashak in bulk

Selling Pomegranate lavashak in bulk

Wholesale lavashak can be sold in a wide variety of flavors, including pomegranate lavashak, cherry lavashak, apricot lavashak, etc. in sheets. These products are produced simply and with pulp and are packed in 20 kg cartons. In addition to these products, all kinds of torshak (processed fruit) and fruit paste are also offered to the […]

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pomegranate fruit roll sale

Sale of pomegranate fruit roll directly from the factory

It is possible to sell pomegranate fruit roll directly from the factory to wholesalers all over the world. Vaulted or kilo fruit rolls are produced in different and unique flavors such as pomegranate, kiwi, orange, cherry, blackberry, etc., in two types, simple and with pulp, and are sold in 20 kg cartons. pomegranate fruit roll […]

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Lavashak Anar for Sale in Bulk

 Lavashak Anar is one of the most delicious fruit lavashak. The lavashak pomegranate has been able to attract a large number of customers. These products are pr

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