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Plums Torshak Buy and Sale

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Plums Torshak PropertiesPlums Torshak Buy and Sales in the Market

Plums torshak is in the group of snacks and is a favorite of people of all ages. To prepare it, you can use a variety of wild plums, dried plums, apricot leaves, etc. The reason why many people tend to use plum torshak, in addition to its sour and delicious taste and seductive appearance, can be described as its healing properties in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. People who like sour taste mix plums with barberry, but those who like sweet flavors mix it with apple lavashak or sour cherry paste or add a little sugar to it. When we enter the snack market in the corners of small and large stores, we see these lovely delicacies that are charming from afar.

Plums Torshak Buy and Sale

Plums Torshak Properties

Plums Torshak Properties

Types of Lavashk and Torshak, if prepared in a hygienic way, have many of the properties and benefits that fresh fruits have.  torshaks are great for those who don’t have access to fresh fruit and can’t go shopping every day because they’re too busy. 

This product contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants, minerals such as iron, potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, natural sugar, fluorine, vitamins A, B6 and C that improves brain function and maintaining bone density and joint health. 

All of these benefits make plum torshak a very useful snack that is a good alternative to negative calorie snacks such as chips and puffs and, contrary to social misconceptions, does not lead to weight loss or obesity and overweight. 

Also, daily consumption of this product is very useful for treating constipation and with its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it eliminates chronic infections of the stomach and intestines and helps to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.  This product is important for middle-aged people in preventing high blood pressure, controlling blood sugar levels, preventing cancers and preventing heart attacks.

Plums Torshak Buy and Sales in the Market

Plums Torshak Buy and Sales in the Market

Buying and selling plum torshak is usually done in small packages of several grams or in bulk.  Of particular importance in this regard is the quality and type of packaging of this product. Plums should be packaged on the sides of the door and have no leaks outside the container. 

Also, the plums in the dish should not be dry, salty and sticky, but should be immersed in the liquid in the dish so that they can be easily removed from the dish one by one.  A salesperson or manufacturer is well aware that the presence of any insects or additional substances such as mold or white spots that indicate the spoilage of plums can endanger the health of the customer.

Marzieh Mohtasham Zadehgan

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